10 Best Wrestling Trios Ever

9. Too Cool

Too Cool

13 years earlier, there were few things sweeter than watching 400lbs of Samoan man ass bust out some cheesy dance moves with a dude wearing goggles and another in a bucket hat. As a trio, Too Cool and Rikishi were prime Attitude era goodness, and they somehow fit snugly together despite being worlds apart.

Fans revelled in the moment as the lights dimmed, some basic beats blared over the PA, someone handed Rikishi some shades and he did his thing. Everything, from his Stink Face to Scotty 2 Hotty's 'Worm' (don't ask), had audiences in raptures. For that, they belong here.

WWE tried to replicate Rikishi's lovable big man relationship with the team by putting Scotty with the 'Hip Hop Hippo' Albert a few years later. That... well, let's just say it sucked by comparison and couldn't live up to the past.

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The New Day
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.