10 Best WWE Debuts Ever

5. Brock Lesnar

Just 24 hours after the extravaganza that was WrestleMania X8, the Raw following on from WrestleMania once again delivered in huge style. Brock Lesnar made his first appearance in the WWE with some style, barging his way through the crowd in attendance and charging towards the ring - with Paul Heyman in tow, naturally. There was a Hardcore match taking place at the time involving the likes of Maven and Al Snow, but they were quickly dismantled by the beast as he made his mark with aplomb. Heyman bellowed out the orders as the crowd watched on in shock at what was happening. He flung Spike Dudley up in the air like a doll before dropping him - and it was clear that a star was about to be born.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.