10 Best WWE Debuts Ever

4. John Cena

When a young upstart by the name of John Cena made his bow in the WWE way back in 2002, nobody could have foreseen the impact he would have on the company - regardless of how impressive his debut was. It was a great first showing from Cena, who made his mark by doing something people rarely hold him in high regard for - competing in a fantastic match. When Kurt Angle boastfully declared that he was too good for everyone on the roster, the young Cena emerged to display a side of ruthless aggression rarely seen by anyone at that time. He would eventually lose out to the Olympic gold medalist, but he had more than left his mark. Over a period of years to come, we would truly see just how good John Cena would become.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.