10 Best WWE Debuts Of The 2010s

1. Sting

Paige Debut

Another Survivor Series, another amazing debut. Only this one wasn't from NXT or the indies. This was from a guy that many wrestling fans had written off of ever appearing in WWE.

During the final moments of the main event - a 5-on-5 match between Team Cena and Team Authority - Dolph Ziggler was facing Seth Rollins in a one-on-one showdown after overcoming 3-1 odds.

If Ziggler won, then The Authority would be ousted from power. Triple H, leader of The Authority, was opposed to this, naturally. And so he took Ziggler out and Seth was less than a second away from picking up the win. Then a crow cawed.

After decades of speculating, years of fantasy booking, and hundreds of thousands of faked WrestleMania posters, the man called Sting stepped into a WWE ring.

He was the face of WCW, a TNA Hall of Famer, the last person anyone expected to be in WWE. And yet there he was. Face to face with Triple H.

Sting ultimately saved the day for Team Cena and got rid of The Authority, but that wasn't the story. The story was that the greatest wrestler never to work for WWE was now a part of the company and the possibilities were endless.

Ok, maybe he only had four matches and one of them was against Big Show, but let us have this, alright?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.