10 Best WWE Documentaries

5. The Spectacular History Of The AWA

Shawn Michaels Bret Hart

After the success of The Rise and Fall of ECW, WWE released more content focusing on the former territories whose tape libraries WWE now owned.

This documentary begins with the reduction of power the NWA had after WWE had broken away in its bid for global supremacy.

Highlighting the pre-WWE careers for such legends as Hulk Hogan, Curt Hennig, and Jerry Lawler, this feature provides a decent amount of history for the casual viewer.

While much of the history is revised to soften the blow of WWE’s ruthless business strategy of the 1980s, and Gagne’s ill-practises are omitted, this is still a decent introduction to the mid-Western territory.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.