10 Best WWE Hardcore Champions

1. Raven

No Mercy 2001

Raven held the Hardcore Championship a grand total of 27 times.

To put that into context, it's more times than Ric Flair has held wrestling's various World titles - even if you were to use the actual figure instead of the one WWE has made up to help John Cena become the record-holder.

What's brilliant about this is that those 27 reigns cumulatively amounted to 84 days. That means that each of his reigns lasted an average of just 3.11 days - or, put differently, about as much time as there is between a Sunday pay-per-view and the follow-up episode of SmackDown.

Being more about character than work inside the ring (in his WWE days, anyway), Raven's various stints with the belt didn't produce many stand-out matches. The best of them probably came alongside fellow ECW alumnus Rhyno at Backlash 2001.

There were plenty of memorable moments though, not least of all the time he and Al Snow took their fight up the Monday Night Raw scaffolding. This might be commonplace in the WWE video game world, but it rarely actually happens in reality.

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Rob Van Dam
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