10 Best WWE Hardcore Champions

2. Crash Holly

No Mercy 2001

Having held the Hardcore Championship on 22 separate occasions, Crash Holly is second only to Raven in terms of number of reigns, so - however nondescript he may have been as a wrestler - you can't really leave him off this list.

His history with the belt is also unique in the sense that, of his 22 title wins, eight of them came at house shows - or, at least, that's what WWE tell us. For all we know, this may never happened; it's not like anyone, except those in the audience, would ever find out.

That said, the less famous member of the Holly dynasty did help give us a couple of the belt's most memorable moments, the first of them coming at WrestleMania 2000, where he accidentally lost the title to his cousin after they botched the ending of their match.

Most importantly, he also introduced the infamous 24/7 rule in early 2000 - which decreed that the belt could be defended at any time, in any place, thus giving rise to the greatest backstage segments wrestling has ever and will ever see.

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Rob Van Dam
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