10 Best WWE Heel Performances Of All Time

6. Shawn Michaels At One Night Only

Brits traditionally haven't had much to cheer about in the world of professional wrestling, so it's nights like SummerSlam 1992 and 1997's One Night Only (along with Rebellion and Insurrextion, obviously) that mean so much.

Shawn Michaels, though, had no time for sentiment - and it was the 'Heartbreak Kid' who helped engineer what would later become known as the "Birmingham Screwjob" by defeating the British Bulldog in front of a packed arena to take home the European Championship.

This was a brilliant heel performance both in kayfabe - Bulldog had dedicated the match to his sister, who was ill - and also in real life, since Michaels, according to the dirt sheets, had used his backstage swing to see that he was given the chance to rain on the UK parade.
