10 Best WWE Matches Of 2019
8. Becky Lynch Vs. Sasha Banks - Hell In A Cell

Setting the tone of an urgent, hard-fought scrap immediately, one laced with genuine loathing, Sasha Banks couldn't wait for the Cell to lower; she crashed into Becky Lynch with a swarm of strikes.
In a great show of vicious smarts, Lynch responded by kicking the door flush in Sasha's face and ramming the chain the Boss was too arrogant to remember straight into her stomach. This established the babyface/heel dynamic, and ensured the crowd were hot and receptive to the story from the start. Banks in a subtle heel move attempted to escape the cage, and Lynch shined by scraping her face against it before locking it on her own terms. She owned the narrative, much like she owned her own.
After being pelted in the face with a chair, Banks attempted to quickly wrestle her way out of the fight she picked by catching Lynch with some flash roll-up attempts, and after enduring a violent Banks heat spot, Lynch mirrored that strategy out of desperation, putting over Banks as a more layered, cerebral heel.
The set-up weapon spots bordered on the contrived, but the wider story was told so well that it excused the plotting - as did Sasha's willingness to bend her body to the unflinching whims of the structure.