10 Best WWE Money In The Bank PPV Matches (That Aren't MITB)

8. Dean Ambrose Vs. Seth Rollins - Money In The Bank 2015

Orton Christian Money In The Bank 2011

After over a year of near-constant matches, excessive non-finishes and momentum-killing humiliation, the maddening, occasionally brilliant feud between Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose seemed to be coming to its end. A match built around who was the better man, with no reversing decisions or random holograms appearing in the ring. This was a simple bout centred on who was the tougher, better competitor and it allowed both men to show their brilliant chemistry without the hindrance of WWE's booking oddities, for the most part.

Rollins, in particular, put on one of the finest performances of his WWE Title reign, making his offence feel devastating and coming across as a fighting champion. Both him and Ambrose's selling put over the duration of the match and the severity of their bumps phenomenally and their strikes felt desperate, their bodies on the verge of perpetual collapse as ladders battered their bruised skin further.

Unfortunately WWE didn't let Rollins win definitively, and had him retain the belt by sheer luck. It’s a shame that a feud that defined so much of WWE programming never got the all time classic they deserved, but this was arguably the closest they came. Thankfully Dean got his title win over Rollins, just a year later and in a different way than anyone expected.


An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.