10 Best WWE PPV Endings Ever

8. WrestleMania 30

The 2014 edition of WrestleMania has to be regarded as one of the most exciting in the history of the event - with shocks and twists all across the card. It may be best remembered for Brock Lesnar's huge victory over The Undertaker that ended the infamous streak, but the ending was just as exhilarating. For months, Daniel Bryan had been screwed over by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, but his victory against Triple H earlier in the night had earned Bryan his shot in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. Even when Bryan progressed to the main event, The Authority returned to try and deny him what millions felt was rightfully his - the glory and the success. At one point he was on a stretcher heading up the ramp, but he rolled off and carried on - much to the delight of the thousands of fans in attendance. He battled on in the style that has made him incredibly famous - almost stealing John Cena's attitude of never giving up - and went on to claim glory at long last. The moment he made Batista tap out was a hugely rewarding moment for wrestling fans, as we had all been waiting for months to see Bryan finally get one over on The Authority and become champion. The crowd were into it like never before, and it all made for a spectacular ending.
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Rob Van Dam
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Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.