10 Best WWE Promos Of The Decade

7. "Your Arms Are Too Short To Box With God"

CM Punk to The Rock

Monday Night Raw - January 1st, 2013

"I just want you to know that come Royal Rumble, and you have about three weeks to realize this, I'm gonna kick your ass 'cause I'm the best in the world. I'm the best thing going today. I'm the best guy you've ever stepped foot in the ring with. And you need to understand, congratulations, Rock, you just graduated from the kiddie table, but you just bit off more than you can chew. You're playing little league with your little insults and your rhymes and your 'millions and millions' and your 'finallys'. And I'm in the big leagues and I'm swinging for the fence. You need to understand that your little jabs and your insults, it's all kiddie games. You can't leave a mark on the champ's face. Come Royal Rumble, understand, when you step in the ring, your arms are just too short to box with God."

When WWE made the baffling decision to turn CM Punk heel, they knew that the only chance they had of getting him booed was by pitting him against the most popular babyface star the company had seen in a generation. The Rock, returning to the company as a bona fide Hollywood star and in the shape of his career, still didn't feel like he was on his level.

Taking aim at the formulaic, passe style of Dwayne's childish jabs, Punk showed him that pro-wrestling had arrived in an era of blurred lines between what was real and what wasn't. A style of promo which proved to everybody watching that while The Rock still had all the delivery in the world, he possessed not a single ounce of Punk's substance.

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