10 Best WWE Promos Of The Decade

5. The New Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan to AJ Styles and the WWE Universe

SmackDown Live - November 20th, 2018

"They weren't there for the struggle, they weren't there for the pain, they weren't there with the fights with his family over this obsession. They didn't have to endure the psychiatrist and the therapist telling him that he just needed to move on. The only people who moved on were these people. See, you heard as the Yes chants grew quieter and quieter every single week and Daniel Bryan, for whatever reason, he stopped fighting. And so, when the referee was down, you didn't allow Daniel Bryan to give up on his dreams. Daniel Bryan's dreams took over. Daniel Bryan's dreams did what they were programmed to do inside of that hyperbaric chamber and Daniel Bryan's dreams kicked AJ Styles in the balls."

The WWE playbook for turning somebody heel is simply one side of a post-it note that reads "just have them blame the fans". It's become painfully repetitive these past few years to the point where an entire crowd just simply ignored Becky Lynch trying to say it and cheered her anyway. But one man has managed to make it work.

Having fought WWE doctors for years to get cleared to wrestle again, Daniel Bryan's comeback had stalled. Then, out of nowhere, he booted AJ Styles in the dick and began a career-best work as The Planet's Champion. His justification the next night on SmackDown, that he'd finally realised the adulation wasn't worth everything he'd been through, made a perfect twisted sense.

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