10 Best WWE Promos Of The Decade

4. "And That... Is Reality"

AJ Lee to the "Diva's Division"

Monday Night Raw - August 26th, 2013

"You guys can't even go backstage and shake my hand and look at me in the eyes because you know that I worked my entire life to get here, I gave my life to this and you were just handed fifteen minutes of fame. I didn't get here because I was cute, or because I came from a famous wrestling family, or because I sucked.. up to the right people. I got here because I am good. I earned this Championship and no matter how many red carpets you guys wanna walk in your four thousand dollars ridiculous heels, you will never be able to lace up my Chuck Taylors. You're all worthless excuses for women and you will never be able to touch me. And that is reality."

For all the great work WWE has done pushing the women's division in recent years, it'll all lack a bit of credibility until they acknowledge the graft AJ Lee put in years prior. In a time when WWE was genuinely trying to transition their female roster from being p*ss-break bikini fodder and "Athletic 10s" to reality TV stars who could almost work a rest hold, AJ Lee was trying her absolute best to be a pro wrestler.

As with her future husband's infamous pipebomb some two years prior, it was near impossible to tell what was put in by the writers and what must have been Lee's very obvious frustrations with her coworkers. The fact both The Bella Twins proved incapable of giving her the mic-time - instead choosing to shriek painfully weak comebacks at her instead - proved how vitally important this sort of moment was.

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