10 Best WWE Returns Of The Decade
3. Edge - Royal Rumble 2010

The crowd in the Phillips Arena became absolutely unglued when Edge's music hit during the 2010 Royal Rumble match - and for good reason. The 'Rated-R Superstar' had been out of action for six months following a torn Achilles tendon, and was expected to be on the shelf for much longer than he actually was, so the fact that he returned so soon (and so unexpectedly) was enough to make the WWE Universe champion the trademark heel.
Everything about this worked to perfection. From the fact that he targeted former Tag Team partner Chris Jericho - who had begun to mock him during his absence for getting injured - to his subsequent victory in the Royal Rumble match, it was one of those perfect goosebump moments that just don't happen all that often. In addition to that, it was just a great (and very effective) method of seamlessly inserting him back into main event scene and allowing him to pick up where he left off.
Unfortunately, as we saw a lot throughout this decade, WWE failed to capitalize on this red-hot momentum because, while he would still remain a red-hot watch in the ring and on the mic (it's Edge), he suffered multiple big time losses - including his WrestleMania title shot.
Nonetheless, we'll always have that epic return - a return that was, without a doubt, one of the greatest moments of the 'Master Manipulator's decorated career.