10 Best WWE Shows That Don't Exist Anymore

7. Byte This

'Byte This' was symptomatic of WWE's need to try and stay ahead of the technological curve. Embracing the internet, Byte This was the promotion's premier web show, and proved very popular with fans. Peeling back the curtain somewhat, the show allowed fans to hear borderline-shoot interviews with their favourite stars. The fun didn't stop there, Byte This had a few very memorable segments. Who will ever forget Steve Austin's tirade against the WWE creative team in 2002, one which led to him leaving the company for a short spell? Better yet, the entire saga between Edge, Matt Hardy and Lita was explored on the program in 2005. That was exactly the kind of thing fans wanted from Byte This, and WWE were only too happy to deliver. The show featured exclusively on WWE.com, but was cancelled in 2006. In the UK, broadband internet was still not widely available during the show's main run several years before, making it difficult for many to tune in regularly. Even so, it's become something of a curious show in WWE folklore.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.