10 Best WWE Shows That Don't Exist Anymore

3. LiveWire

In 1993, the WWF presented 'WWF Mania'. For around the first year of the show's 3-year stay, Mania hinged on the idea that presenter Todd Pettengill would take calls and read out letters from wrestling fans. Afterwards, the show quickly became yet another low-level syndicated broadcast. In 1996, the company made the decision to bring back the interactive format. Thus, 'LiveWire' was born. Pettengill was still in place as the main host, at least until he left the promotion and Michael Cole took over the reigns. From there, LiveWire became more of a recap package, summarising everything that was happening in the company, exploring storylines and that sort of thing. In 2001, LiveWire was discontinued, but not before a lot of fans voiced their opinions on the show. Memorably, Paul Heyman even phoned in to discuss the ongoing 'ECW invasion' of Monday Night Raw in 1997. Going under the name, 'Bruce' and being billed from Connecticut, Heyman spoke directly to Vince McMahon and spat out bile about the WWF product.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.