10 Best WWE SmackDown Cliffhanger Endings Ever

2. Kurt Angle Kisses Stephanie McMahon (24 August 2000)

Kurt Angle Stephanie McMahon Kiss
WWE Network

A mere three days before going into battle against Triple H and The Rock in a Triple Threat headliner at SummerSlam 2000, Kurt Angle did the unthinkable. The milk-drinking, squat-thrusting, medal-winning role model kissed another man's wife on national television, and he did it because he was trying to muscle in on Triple H's turf.

What's more, Stephanie seemed to dig Kurt trading the ankle lock for a lip one.

After Steph was knocked silly during a tag match pitting Trish Stratus and The Rock against she and Angle, the Olympian carried McMahon to safety and plonked her down on a dressing room couch. Then, in a moment of soap opera genius, he said he really cared about Steph and snogged the face off of her.

72 hours before the pay-per-view, fans were left with the dangling carrot that was Triple H's fury when he heard about or watched back what had happened. They knew that 'The Game' would hand out an Angle ass-kicking, and there was still the lure of The Rock defending his title there too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.