10 Best WWE SmackDown Cliffhanger Endings Ever

9. Steve Austin Wrecks The DX Express (27 April 2000)

dx express blown up

Thanks largely to the efforts of Mick Foley, Triple H and The Rock, the first few months of 2000 were rife with stunning matches. Steve Austin, who had been benched since the prior Survivor Series, didn't know exactly when he'd be able to return from neck surgery. So, to their credit, the WWF found other ways to keep him involved.

He blew sh*t up. Literally.

In late-April, a few days before he was set to be the enforcer for a match between Trips and Rocky at Backlash, Austin appeared on SmackDown and smashed the DX Express bus to smithereens. The stunt harked back to the glory days of Stone Cold's feud with Vince McMahon, and it was totally in-character for the rebel to mess with authority.

As SmackDown went off the air and fans readied themselves for Backlash, the big question revolved around the mind games Austin had played with Triple H's clan. Would 'The Game' be able to keep his mind on The Rock, or would the bus explosion throw him off?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.