10 Best WWE SmackDown Cliffhanger Endings Ever

8. Vince McMahon Screws Kofi Kingston (19 March 2019)

The New Day

'KofiMania' is running wild, and Kingston's WWE Title win at WrestleMania 35 would've warmed even the coldest of hearts. This angle, shot on the 19 March 2019 episode of SmackDown, was all part of the build towards that historic, tear-jerking moment. It used elements of Vince McMahon's past and fused them with Kofi's present.

The set-up was simple: McMahon said that Kofi would get a 'Mania title shot if he could win a Gauntlet match on that evening's show. Ever-ready, Kingston said he'd do it, and he ended up beating Sheamus, Cesaro, Samoa Joe, Randy Orton and Rowan to get his wish. Except he didn't; Vince added Daniel Bryan into the mix to kill Kingston's hopes.

Fans in attendance were legit furious when Bryan beat a knackered Kofi and held the eco-friendly WWE Title aloft in celebration. Xavier Woods and Big E hit the ring to protest the injustice of it all, and fans wondered if Kingston's title dreams were over for good.

If anyone says WWE can't produce pulsating television these days, show them this.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.