10 Best WWE SmackDown Cliffhanger Endings Ever

7. Brock Lesnar & Big Show Destroy The Ring (12 June 2003)

Brock Lesnar Big Show Ring Collapse Smackdown 2003

Or, y'know, just rewatch old YouTube clips of Mike Chioda (frosty tips and all) looking like he's seen a ghost after Brock Lesnar and Big Show destroyed the ring they were working in.

WWE have repeated this angle a few times over the years. At Vengeance 2011, Mark Henry and Show did the honours. In 2017, Show worked the trick again with Braun Strowman. Nobody can blame him for that when it's such an effective way to get people talking. Still, nothing will recapture the original's magic.

Fans acted like their local team had won the Super Bowl when Lesnar superplexed Show to hell on the 12 June 2003 episode of SmackDown. There were high-fives and cheers all round, and there's no denying the stunt was executed to perfection. The turnbuckles, collapsed, the ring went slack and the canvas dropped a good foot all so Brock and Show looked cool.

The fact their main event never finished and both men were taken from the ring by medics sold the gravity of the bump too. SmackDown faded to black amidst hysteria, and people buzzed about what might happen the next week.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.