10 Best WWE Superstar Halloween Costumes 2017

2. The Miz (Chucky)

The Miz Maryse

First of all, God bless The Miz. He's one of WWE's best heels, his character is Teflon nowadays and he likes a good time away from the ring too. Perhaps it was he who convinced wife Maryse to shed the beautiful Cinderella dress and become his bride, just so he could put on a Carrot Top wig and pretend to be Chucky.

Whatever the case, some serious time in the make up chair has been spent by both. Miz is quite visibly loving being a 'Good Guy' doll, but Maryse looks like she'd rather go back to the Disney princess outfit as soon as possible. If Miz had worn this on WWE TV, he'd win the 'Best Costume' contest hands down.

You see that, Heath Slater. That's how you nail a Halloween costume. Even in 2017, it doesn't need to be convincing. It barely even needs to be good. All a respectable Halloween outfit needs is some fun, attention to detail and a willingness from the person wearing it to become a man-child.

The Miz gets it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.