10 Best WWE Tag Teams Of The 2000s

3. The Dudley Boyz

Even though The Dudley Boyz have not wrestled for WWE for almost ten years fans still reminisce fondly about the table-breaking days of the early 2000s and, perhaps secretly, long for a return. Making their name in ECW, Dudleyz D-Von and Bubba Ray could generate near riot-level heat with their promos and angles. Having done everything they could do in ECW by late 1999, the duo moved on to the WWF and it wasn't long before they were tearing it up with The Hardyz and Edge & Christian. Their tag matches were often show-stealers which is no mean feat when you consider the top level talent the WWF had at that time. The Dudleys split in 2002 but reconciled before the end of the year and had a couple more decent years in the WWE before departing after One Night Stand in 2005. The Dudleyz continued to team up in TNA and added more Tag Team Championship reigns to their already record-breaking resume. A WWE return seems unlikely, but stranger things have happened in Dudleyville. Oh, testify!

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...