10 Best WWE Tag Teams Of The 2000s

2. Edge & Christian

Frequent Dudley Boyz foes Edge and Christian were one of the most well-rounded tag teams of all time. As well as taking care of in-ring business, the Canadian twosome were a riot on the microphone and in backstage segments from 2000-2001. Fans still loving talk about their run with Kurt Angle and the infamous 'chicken suit' story as well as their frequent run-ins with Commissioner Foley. Seven time Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian brought the best out of the Dudleyz and The Hardyz and had some of the most awe-inspiring ladder and TLC matches in the history of wrestling. They split up and began feuding in 2001 had successful solo careers. Edge, in particular, caught fire in 2006 as the Rated-R Superstar. The two only teamed on special occasions thereafter and were no longer a full-time tag team. Any time the two did tag, you knew you could be watching something very special indeed. Christian inducted the retired Edge into the WWE Hall of Fame in an emotional ceremony in 2012. They, like, so totally ruled.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...