10 Best WWE Theme Songs By Famous Artists

5. "Slow Chemical" - Finger Eleven (Kane)

When Kane returned from a biceps injury in 2002, he not only had a new mask, but new entrance music as well. His new entrance theme was a revamped version of his old theme performed by Finger Eleven, now known for their songs "One Thing" and "Paralyzer". This song is not just objectively awesome - it's synonymous with one of the best periods of Kane's pro-wrestling career.

Over the course of several weeks in 2003, Kane committed horrifically violent acts as a response to having his face exposed, such as chokeslamming General Manager Eric Bischoff off the entrance ramp, lighting Jim Ross on fire, and attacking CEO Linda McMahon.

And the new music tied it all together perfectly.

See, Kane's new music was louder, harder rock than his previous music was (no disrespect intended). This increase in volume and intensity heightened the senses of urgency and fear that he'd always created during his entrance. Couple this with the often-unexpected explosion of pyrotechnics that signified his entrance, and you've got yourself one frightening wrestler.

This is the best entrance theme Kane has ever had. That's a quote.

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He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.