10 Best WWE Theme Songs Not Written By Jim Johnston

7. John Cena & Tha Trademarc - The Time Is Now (John Cena)

bray wyatt

With John Cena being the face of WWE for well over a decade now, you'd be forgiven for thinking Jim Johnston played a hand in the production of one of the catchiest WWE theme songs of all time. Nope.

During the process of writing and producing a rap album with his cousin, Tha Trademarc, Cena had been looking for a beat that resembled the Rocky theme song. Upon hearing a beat composed by Jake Dutton, best known as Jake One, Cena was sold on the track for both a lead single and a theme song.

Not only have the trumpets Cena was so drawn to become iconic during his 15 reigns as a world champion, they are also the basis for countless internet parodies.

Fun fact: John Cena & Tha Trademarc's album 'You Can't See Me' has since become certified platinum, selling over 1,346,000 copies as of October, 2010. Admit it, you got a kick out of listening to it and hearing Cena swear as much as the rest of us.

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Bray Wyatt
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