10 Best WWE Wrestlers Never To Main Event WrestleMania

7. Dusty Rhodes

Cm Punk Wins WrestleMania 24

WWE regularly (and rightly) enjoys talking up Dusty Rhodes as one of the wrestling industry's great trailblazers, but it's pretty clear to anyone paying attention that they only came to this epiphany in the last decade or so.

For the short period that The American Dream was on their books as an in-ring competitor in the late 1980s, they allowed his talents to go squarely to waste, putting him in a polka dot singlet in aid of a gimmick many claimed was deliberately aimed at humiliating the poor guy.

Needless to say, he didn't get anywhere close to the main event at the Show of Shows under this guise, instead spending WrestleMania VI in 1990 competing in a mixed tag team match alongside Sapphire against the team of Randy Savage and Queen Sherri.

Had he joined the company, say, a decade earlier, then it's highly likely that he would have ended up competing higher up the card. We're talking about one of the outright biggest stars of the territory days, after all.

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CM Punk
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