10 Big Concerns Over Daniel Bryan's WWE Return

8. Is Bryan's Return Bad Timing For The Progression Made By 2014 Prospects In WWE?

See you later Dean Ambrose. After closing two pay per views in the latter half of 2014, Ambrose now looks vulnerable to losing his spot to Daniel Bryan. There's only so many top babyface spots in the WWE, and Daniel Bryan will probably slot back into the number two spot behind John Cena. Beyond that, WWE are looking to invest in Roman Reigns. So where does that leave Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler? Lower down the midcard is the answer. Bryan comes in and instantly relegates two of the stars of the show. As great as it is to see Bryan back, you can't help but feel a little for the babyfaces who will see their recent progression halted. The spotlight is set to swing away from the prospects and focus upon the more established star.
WWE Writer

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