10 Big Concerns Heading Into WWE Hell In A Cell 2020

7. RETRIBUTION Might Make Their Presence Felt

Randy Orton Hell in a Cell

We'll talk a little more about the concern of indecisive finishes a little bit later on but this writer would be lying if he said that he's not worried RETRIBUTION will get involved in the WWE Championship match between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton. The nobody-can-get-inside-the-cell myth seems like too much of an on-the-nose opportunity for a company as on-the-nose as WWE to miss out on and what better way to make an impact than to assault the two biggest stars on Raw right now?

The trainwreck that is RETRIBUTION continues to falter every single time the faction appears on-screen and it's gotten to the point that it feels like the creative team are having a laugh at their expense. No team so prominent should be failing so bad and, somehow, it gets worse on a weekly basis.

So yeah, it would be in the WWE Championship match's best interests if they don't get involved. In fact, it would be in everyone's best interests (RETRIBUTION included) if they just take the night off and stay as far away from Hell In A Cell as possible.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.