10 Big Concerns Heading Into WWE Hell In A Cell 2020

6. RETRIBUTION Gets Destroyed Again

Randy Orton Hell in a Cell

Poor as they are you can't help but feel for RETRIBUTION because absolutely none of the faction's shortcomings are down to the talent. Ever since they made their presence felt, they've been hampered by bad booking, corny names and, now, a complete and utter burial.

Seeing them square off against The Fiend Bray Wyatt made for an incredible moment... until you realised that it wouldn't end well for one of the two entities when neither of them could afford to look weak. And, with that, The Fiend single-handedly picked apart RETRIBUTION in minutes.

The Fiend would seem at home in the Hell In A Cell setting (provided we forget last year's mess ever happened, that is) so it wouldn't be too out-there to expect him to make some kind of appearance at the event. That's fine and would add a much-needed supernatural feel to the watered-down PPV, the concern is that RETRIBUTION might try to get some retribution and, well, fail.

WWE loves going to the well again, so why not bury RETRIBUTION all over again, am I right? Let's hope not.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.