10 Big Problems Caused By WWE's Upcoming Returns

5. The Orton Problem

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WWE haven't known what to do with Randy Orton for a while.

They've tried him as a heel, as a face, as a main eventer, as a mid carder, but it just hasnt felt quite right. His mid card feud with Sheamus last year was a great example of that, it was just boring.

Nevertheless, as a veteran and established star, Orton has his fanbase. Hes an edgier John Cena, proving very popular with women and children. He has enough of a star power that hes automatically going to get some sort of significant screen time. The problem is that long term fans have seen it all before with Orton, and WWE have proved clueless on how to book him.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.