10 Big Problems WWE Creative Must Overcome In 2016
Vince McMahon needs to look at himself.
Booking WWE is no easy process. Forget the fanboy marks who make it sound straight forward, the reality is that the creative workload is a juggling act of numerous moving parts. Just to get a job on the creative team, you must have qualifications from the most elite schools, in addition to years of experience in Hollywood or the entertainment industry. Yet even those who are used to working in high pressured environments, sometimes they only last a few weeks under the intensity of Vince McMahon's weekly work load. It is a lot to deal with, a weekly three hour Raw, with no off season, with around thirty characters to consider. It is also a thankless task. Fans will talk about creative when it is bad, then overlook instances of solid booking. What also makes it tough is today's generation of fans who are used to a culture of instant satisfaction. An on-demand world isn't too predisposed to long term narratives. The recent creative efforts have been woeful in places, that can't be denied. Then again, the creative team do deserve some slack, as sports competition has been the primary cause of Raw's ratings decline. Still, there's no doubt that the writers could raise their game. As hard of a job as it is, as tough as the fans are, as stiff as the competition is, better creative should always be strived for. In looking forward to 2016, the creative team must redouble their efforts in recapturing the imagination of fans. Here's the biggest problems they must overcome...