10 Big Problems WWE Faces After WrestleMania 32

9. Injuries Which Still Exist

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There are so many performers out injured right now that it would almost be quicker to discuss who is still left standing. The likes of John Cena, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Neville, Cesaro and Nikki Bella are all performers the company could be doing with in the aftermath of WrestleMania 32. As things stand, it could be a little while before all of those names make a return.

That's obviously a problem, because the WWE roster feels a bit thin on the ground right now. There are still a lot of names kicking around, but there's a real lack of bankable headline stars to work with. This isn't a new dilemma, it's one the organisation have had to deal with for many years now. It's high time that was addressed, otherwise interest will naturally only decrease over the next few months.

It's not exactly WWE's fault that they have so many injured talents at the moment, and a positive spin could be placed on things. After all, these men and women will inevitably come back, and they will bring renewed vigour with them. However, it is a bit depressing that some of the greatest workers under WWE contract are on the shelf, and may be for some time.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.