3. What On Earth Is Roman Reigns Doing?
I'd just like to stress - this isn't Roman Reigns' fault. It's the writing behind his promos, and the booking behind his actions. For the past few weeks, Roman has gone from a cookie-cutter babyface to an impossibly inconsistent character. One week he's talking about sharing beers with his best buddy Dean; the next he's nobly striding out alone to face the entire Wyatt Family. One moment he's cheap-shotting Bray on SmackDown, before branding him a cowardly bully on Raw. It's really starting to seem like WWE are panicking when it comes to getting Roman over. They've clearly tried to darken his character in the lead-up to Hell in a Cell, making him an ultra-serious vigilante willing to face the Wyatts head-on. His promos are almost becoming as cryptic as Bray's, which threatens to render this whole feud nothing more than a tangled, overly-abstract mess. There's no easy way out of this now, short of making their PPV match the blow-off, and immediately moving both men on to better things. Let's hope this happens.