10 Big WWE Names Without A Clear WrestleMania 32 Match

4. Neville

Neville is quite possibly the most underrated wrestler on the WWE roster right now. In terms of ring work, there's nothing he can't do. He's as good as Rollins or anyone else in the ring, but just doesn't get the opportunities to fit that into a major context. Perhaps it is his mic skills letting him down, but he still deserves a berth on the WrestleMania card. He worked the third most matches in WWE last year and deserves April 3 as his Mania debut. Yet there's looking like nothing for him. Despite winning the 2015 Slammy for 'Breakout Star Of The Year', it looks like WWE don't really see him as a big factor for the Mania card.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.