10 Big WWE Names Without A Clear WrestleMania 32 Match

3. Kane

Back in his role as Demon Kane, veteran Glenn Jacobs could be looking at his final ever WrestleMania. He'll turn forty nine in the weeks after the event, and his relevancy has been dwindling for months now. It is surely time to hang up the mask and retire. But right now, it looks like any sort of sentimental send off would be lacking. WWE are doing nothing with the Big Red Machine, other than using him to grease the real stars. He was Bray Wyatt's victim on the latest episode of Raw, with the only real purpose to make Wyatt look more fearsome for the upcoming Brock Lesnar feud. It'll be sad if Kane does retire without that final WrestleMania match and moment. As consistency goes, he's perhaps WWE's most reliable workman. He's gave over twenty years of sterling service, but has perhaps outstayed his relevancy.
WWE Writer

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