10 Big WWE Pushes That Were Stopped Dead (And Why)
8. Test
It's one of the biggest unanswered questions from the Attitude Era - Why didn't Test feud with Triple H after Stephanie McMahon turned on him and ushered in the McMahon-Helmsley era?
After valiantly besting Shane in the underrated "Love Her Or Leave Her Match" at SummerSlam '99, Test was officially on course to marry the bosses daughter.
Unfortunately for him, real life relationships and an urgent need to fill the void left by the injured Stone Cold Steve Austin meant that Triple H came out of the angle positioned as the next big super power in wrestling. With HHH burning up all the fuel that the angle had produced, Test was left directionless before being relegated to Sunday Night Heat mere weeks after being embarrassed at the alter.
Sources differ on what caused the sharp fall down the card for Test. Many point to his lacking promo skills,whilst others argue that once WWE introduced talented newcomers like The Radicalz, Test simply couldn't compete.
Stephanie claimed that Vince had driven her in to Triple H's arms with his maniacal past deeds. Somehow, despite that being more than justifiable, Vince slotted into the program as a babyface. Due to the prebuilt history, there was simply more money in a Vince/Triple H feud.
Test was left by the wayside, not fitting into the family drama and lacking a suitable opponent to capitalise on any residual momentum with.