10 Big WWE Returns That Could Happen In 2018

3. The Rock

Rey Mysterio 2012

The chances of Dwayne Johnson coming back for a full-time WWE run are pretty slim, but he's always game for the odd cameo appearance when his busy Hollywood schedule allows for it.

This year could be one in which he pops up on our screens from time to time. After all, 2018 is supposed to be the long-awaited climax of Roman Reigns' three-year mega-push; putting him alongside his real-life cousin, as they have tried in the past, is one way to help generate fan support.

Aside from that, there's also The Rock's own passion for professional wrestling. Like Batista, he's in excellent shape, but like Batista, he's probably not far from being at an age at which competing in a wrestling ring becomes an impossibility.

As wrestling fans know only too well, The Great One tends to walk to the beat of his own drum. If he wants to come back, even just for one week, Vince McMahon will build the whole show around him - so this one really comes down to his own availability.

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Rey Mysterio
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