10 Big WWE Returns That Could Happen In 2018

4. Cody

Rey Mysterio 2012

Having lost the ROH World Title to Dalton Castle earlier this month, Cody perhaps heads into 2018 without much in the way of a firm plan.

Then again, that in itself is arguably the beauty of working as an independent contractor. You can rock up wherever you like, and in the case of a former WWE star still young enough to get it done in the ring, you're never going to be short of lucrative offers.

Despite that, there is some unfinished business for Dusty Rhodes' son on wrestling's biggest stage. He left the company last year having failed to ever break through Vince McMahon's famously stiff glass ceiling, largely owing to factors over which he had little control.

It would be a risk to return so soon - just as his career outside WWE looks to be taking off - but nothing about Cody's last couple of years has been conventional. If they want him back (and chances are they do), there are probably promises that can persuade him to give up his globe-trotting exploits.

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Rey Mysterio
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