10 Biggest Backstabbers In WWE History
As Stone Cold Steve Austin famously said: "DTA. Don't. Trust. Anybody."

The world of professional wrestling is very fickle. A superstar at the top of the card one night may fall to rock-bottom on the next. Devilish heels can see the light and become a company's biggest babyface, while angelic faces can snap and turn on their best friends to boost their own stock.
Over the years, countless WWE superstars have turned heel and used their opponents' misfortune to push them towards the top of the mountain. Maintaining a spot at the top of the card becomes a priority for some superstars, which leads to egotistical decision-making and potential betrayals in the process.
Some may decide to turn on friends or partners due to their own paranoia, with the looming threat of falling into irrelevance becoming a real fear for them. Others do it for much more selfish reasons, with the promise of protection or a higher push leading several stars to turn on their closest allies.
In WWE, there will always be betrayal and a lack of trust, as everybody is looking out for their own best interests.
There are superstars that have turned on more of their former friends than others, with several members of the WWE roster over the last four decades making a name for themselves as repeat offenders.
10. Eddie Guerrero

The former 'Latino Heat' made a name for himself as a cocky, bold as brass performer that was always looking out for himself. His entire persona was built around his motto of 'Lie, Cheat, Steal' which was a clear indication of Guerrero's priorities. He often used sneaky tactics to pick up victories and twisted the truth to better his own situation.
In 2005, Guerrero and Rey Mysterio were tag team partners and they had a classic match at WrestleMania to find out who was 'best'. Mysterio's victory did not sit right with his tag partner and cracks began to show in their bond. Guerrero and Mysterio went on to lose the Tag Team Championships to Joey Mercury and John Morrison - 'MNM' - later in the year, with Guerrero walking out on Mysterio instead of supporting him in their effort to reclaim the gold.
On 5 May, on an episode of SmackDown, Eddie Guerrero appeared to seemingly rescue his friend from a beatdown at the hands of his brother Chavo and MNM. He chased away the trio and seemed as though he was going to help his tag partner to the back. However, he brutally attacked him and left him bleeding and bruised in the ring, demonstrating a clear sign of intent.
Guerrero had felt overshadowed by 'The Ultimate Underdog' and set out to change that. His attack left the live audience stunned, as the two had seemed inseparable prior to their 'Mania outing. This went to show that in WWE, you cannot trust anybody.