10 Biggest Backstabbers In WWE History

2. Kevin Owens


When it comes to Kevin Owens, the list of betrayals is slightly longer. It's difficult to understand why, after so many years, anyone would consider trusting 'KO'.

Firstly, on his debut at NXT TakeOver R: Evolution. On 11 December 2014, Sami Zayn won the NXT Championship from the then Adrian Neville, cementing his place in NXT. At the climax of the event, the newly-signed Kevin Owens emerged at ringside, in support of his best friend. The two had been best friends for years, fighting alongside and even against each other on the independent scene. It seemed as though Owens was in NXT to congratulate Zayn on his first NXT title victory.

However, 'The Prizefighter' swerved every member of the crowd and surprised his best friend when he powerbombed him onto the ring apron. If his best friend of seven years can't trust him, who can?

Later in Owens' career, he befriended Chris Jericho for a tag team match against Big Cass and Enzo Amore at SummerSlam 2016. The tandem ran strong for several months, dominating the Raw roster when Owens won the Universal title (with assistance from Triple H) and also with Jericho seizing the United States Championship from Roman Reigns. The two men seemed untouchable. However, on 13 February 2017, Jericho hosted a 'Festival of Friendship' for his best friend, celebrating their powerful time at the top of the card.

The segment was set up as a heartwarming celebration but it soon turned sour, when Kevin Owens gave Jericho his very own 'List of KO'. The heartbreaking realisation on 'Y2J's face as he saw his own name on the list was crushing and within seconds, Owens launched his teammate through the 'Jeri-tron' to a resounding chorus of boos.

After his history with Zayn and Jericho, it seemed unlikely that Owens could be trusted. However, for one week only, he was heralded as an honorary member of the New Day.

On 16 April 2019, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods were looking for a temporary replacement for their injured partner, Big E. They seemed to have found solace in the form of Kevin Owens. Formally dubbed as 'Big O', Owens strode down to the ring in a New Day shirt, carried out Big E's section of their entrance and gorged on pancakes, in true New Day fashion.

The group seemed to knit well together, displaying excellent chemistry for a thrown together trio. Unfortunately, the following week on SmackDown Live, Owens betrayed the pair and challenged Kingston for the WWE Championship.

The lesson here is to never trust Kevin Owens, as well as his former teacher, Triple H.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.