10 Biggest Downgrades In WWE History

8. Kane To Corporate Kane

Elias WWE

Trying to remain a fresh and compelling face on the back of taking up a spot on WWE's active roster for the better part of two decades is no mean feat. And it's not uncommon for a legendary performer to simply stick to what they know in later life; playing the greatest hits, if you will, as they slowly enjoy a victory lap en-route to heading out the full-time door.

In fairness to the current Mayor of Knox County, at least The Big Red Machine tried to change things up a little towards the latter stages of his over-exposed run on the main roster. Yet, to class his Corporate makeover as an enthralling success would be a bit of a stretch.

Sure, there were the odd flickers of fun in the form of Kane's Demon and Corporate personas being flirted between during his feud with then-WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins in 2015. But few will ever get over the image of this dulled down Glenn Jacobs bumping around a ring in trousers with a business trim, and WWE wisely made the decision to revert back to his demonic persona for the remainder of his work in-between the ropes post-Authority.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...