10 Biggest Ever Vince McMahon Over-Reactions

1. The Montreal Screwjob

Bret Hart was WWE€™s top star when he agreed to join WCW for more money. Vince McMahon had a problem. Bret was still WWF Champion and wouldn't drop the title in his backyard of Canada at Survivor Series 1997. Vince, rightly, was worried The Hitman would do the same to him as Ric Flair had done to Jim Herd and WCW eight years prior, and take the title over to a rival promotion. That would have been a huge blow during the Monday Night Wars. Bret apparently agreed to drop the belt the next night on RAW, but Vince needed it done there and then for some reason so diverted away from the 'script' as far as a wrestling show has ever done before. Match referee Earl Hebner, on direct order from McMahon, ended the match as Michaels held Hart in the Sharpshooter even though Hart had not submitted. Michaels was declared the victor and was crowned the new WWF Champion. €œVince McMahon didn€™t screw Bret Hart. Bret screwed Bret.€ Vince was impatient and over-reacted. Bret was also in the wrong for going against his bosses orders, but surely a far more civil compromise could have been reached?
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.