10 Biggest Ever Vince McMahon Over-Reactions

7. Lana

Oh Lana, what could have been. The Ravishing Russian put an end to one of the most painful WWE storylines of all time when she announced - via TMZ - that she and Rusev were actually engaged in real life. That love quadrilateral was horrible television anyway, wasn't it? She did us all a favour. Vince McMahon, unhappy that Lana smashed Kayfabe right in the face, has thrown her on the scrap heap. She's no longer featured on WWE television half as much as she used to, while Rusev's career has also seemingly suffered because of the incident. He's gone form the monster heel in the company to a B team player in the League of Nations. All because Lana broke Kayfabe to announce her real life engagement? We all know Kayfabe is dead anyway, don't we?
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.