10 Biggest Ever Vince McMahon Over-Reactions

5. The Double Booking Controversy

WWE booked an arena. The arena's famous owner booked it too. All petty hell ensued. WWE intended to host an episode of Monday Night RAW from the Pepsi Center in Denver in 2009, but Denver Nuggets and Pepsi Center owner Stan Kroenke booked Game four of the NBA Western Conference Finals between the Nuggets and the Los Angeles Lakers on the same date. All this prior to the Nuggets actually earning a slot in the playoffs. Vince spoke about the incident on WWE.com, before making sure to get his own back on Kroenke and the Nuggets on an episode of RAW. The face team of Batista, MVP, John Cena, Jerry Lawler & Mr. Kennedy - wearing Lakers jerseys - defeated the heel team of The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & The Big Show - wearing Nuggets jerseys - in a 10-man tag team match. Petty, but still an over-reaction on Vinnie's part... He even forced Boston's own John Cena to wear Lakers jersey... Jeez...
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.