10 Biggest Highlights Of Cody Rhodes' AEW Career

5. His Two Matches With Brodie Lee

CODY TNT Champion

With Cody on a roll as TNT Champion, a match against Dark Order leader Brodie Lee felt like just another bump in the road. For Cody to lose the belt was surprising. The manner of the loss was nothing short of shocking, with Lee demolishing his opponent with ease. Cody didn’t get so much as a hope spot in their memorable main event.

The former Luke Harper was always undervalued by WWE and the fans missed out because of it. Those with any sense knew an inability to switch up his accent shouldn’t have been a stumbling block. There is still a sense that, grateful as we are for what was, it’s hard not to think of what might have been.

The incredibly self-sacrificing squash loss and the bruising dog collar sequel gave Jon Huber two incredible matches to end his career on. They make the “Greatest TNT Champion” label more than just a kindness for his family.

Cody has also been mentioned by Amanda Huber as one of the guys who went above and beyond for her and her boys after her husband's tragic death. That support was no doubt invaluable.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.