10 Biggest Holy Sh*t Moments From WrestleMania 36 Night Two

6. 'Rated-R' Language

Edge WrestleMania 36

It's doubtful that WWE will add closed captioning to this moment.

After choking Randy out with his swish new submission hold, Edge let the referee count to five before turning his way, pretending he might attack him and snarling, "Don't you f*cking count". Ooft! It's not often one hears an f-bomb dropped on WWE programming, even at events as pressurised as WrestleMania can be.

The lack of crowd noise and commentary from Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton made this sweary outburst more impactful. Edge wasn't about to let the ref finish things there, not when he had un-finished business with Orton that'd tie together their recent story that's been running since January's Royal Rumble.

WWE's own 'Rated-R Superstar' used some course language to put across how dangerously harsh the kayfabe relationship between he and Randy has become. It was gritty, it was bad ass and it was totally fitting for the moment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.