10 Biggest Holy Sh*t Moments From WrestleMania 36 Night Two

5. The Revenge Con-Chair-To

Edge Randy Orton

Once he'd cut the referee's count off, Edge grabbed the second steel chair that Orton had introduced and bashed his brains in with an uber-violent Con-Chair-To strike that must've left Randy's ears ringing. This was his revenge for that assault on the post-Rumble episode of Raw a few months back.

Revenge. Dish. Is. Cold. Served. Best. A.

Rearrange those words for a sentence Orton (in storyline) couldn't have unscrambled. He was too busy with scrambled brains. Everyone saw this spot coming a mile off, but that didn't stop it from being essential or one of the coolest visuals of the night. Watching Edge go old-school on Randy and gain retribution was as fun as it was thunderous.

The smack of steel chairs echoed through the halls of the PC too. This, hopefully, won't become Edge's go-to calling card as a comeback king babyface. He doesn't really need the Con-Chair-To now he's avenged Orton's treachery.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.