10 Biggest Holy Sh*t Moments From WWE WrestleMania 37 Night 1

3. Shane McMahon’s Big Bump

Braun Strowman Shane McMahon

And yet, it was nothing compared to what came next.

Shane McMahon just can't help himself, can he? The 'Boy Wonder' needs to steal headlines and make everyone worry for his safety by performing death-defying stunts on WWE's grandest stage. This time, Shane showed off his grapefruits by back-bumping into the ring from the top of the cage.

There's no sense in sugarcoating it - that had to hurt like a motherf*cker. WWE's replays then revealed that McMahon never tucked his head until the last possible second. This was a scary watch for anybody who has ever taken a bump before, and it was likely hair-raising enough for those who haven't!

Shane O'Mac = mad man.

The ref scooted over to check if McMahon was alright as soon as he smacked against the canvas. Backstage, his father presumably gulped (in that way only Vince can) and demanded to know if his son was still conscious.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.