10 Biggest Holy Sh*t Moments From WWE WrestleMania 37 Night 1

4. Braun Breaks The Cage

Braun Strowman Shane McMahon

The build towards Braun Strowman vs. Shane McMahon stupidly focused on the nutty idea that Braun had been bullied for most of his life. One look at the guy reveals that yeah, this definitely didn't happen when he was an adult. In fact, it probs wouldn't have happened when he was a teen either.

Good job spots like this one made up for that regrettable booking.

Strowman stopped Shane from escaping by ripping one of the steel cage's mesh panels off and hauling McMahon back through the hole. Who gives a toss if this was rigged, because it made him look like the 'Monster' he's supposed to be. This was like a return to old form for Braun.

Everything about this screamed "holy sh*t" - Shane's horrified facial expressions, Braun's brute power, the live crowd's reaction and more all combined to make this the destructive 'Mania moment that Strowman has needed since he went solo in 2016.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.